Поставить глагол в скобках в нужное время(Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense).

I ( read) now.
He (brush) his teen every day.
We (write) the test in the class at that moment.
The girl(not go) to school every day.
You (not feed) your pet now.

Исправить ошибки:

We draw pictures on Art.
I like this jeans.
First lesson PE.
My aunt don t like winter.
There are flowers in tne garden?

Вставить предлоги witn, to, in, at, on, up, for.

I get. 7 oclock and go. the bathroom.
I ussually go. a walk. my friends.
. Music we sing song.

Перевести на английский.
В кухне стоит плита.
Девочка помогает маме убирать в доме.
Бабушка сейчас читает книгу.
На математике мы решаем задачи.
Русский язык-второй в пятницу.

I am reading now.
He (brush) his teen every day.
We are writing the test in the class at that moment.
The girl dont go to school every day.
You are not feeding your pet now.
We draw pictures on Art.
I like this jeans.
First lesson is PE.
My aunt don t like winter.
are There  flowers in tne garden?
 Вставить предлоги, to, in,   on,

I get. up. at, 7 oclock  and go. the bathroom.
I ussually go. for. a walk. witn my friends.
. Music we sing song.
извини, что не все смогла.

Поставить глагол в скобках в нужное время (Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense).

I ( read) now.
He (brush) his teen every day.
We (write) the test in the class at that moment.
The girl(not go) to school every day.
You (not feed) your pet now.

Исправить ошибки:

We draw pictures on Art.
I like this jeans.
First lesson PE.
My aunt don t like winter.
There are flowers in tne garden?

Вставить предлоги witn, to, in, at, on, up, for.

I get. 7 oclock and go. the bathroom.
I ussually go. a walk. my friends.
. Music we sing song.

Перевести на английский.
В кухне стоит плита.
Девочка помогает маме убирать в доме.
Бабушка сейчас читает книгу.
На математике мы решаем задачи.
Русский язык-второй в пятницу.

am reading  now. Present Continuous
He brushes his teen every day. Present Simple
We are writing the test in the class at that moment. Present Continuous
The girl does not go to school every day. Present Simple
You are not feeding your pet now. Present Continuous
Исправить ошибки:
We paint  pictures on Art.
I like these jeans.
The first lesson is  PE.
My aunt doesn* t like winter.
Are there flowers in the garden?
Вставить предлоги
I get up    at  7 oclock  and go  to  the bathroom.
I usually go  for a walk with my friends.
On Music we sing song.
В кухне стоит плита. There is a gas stove in the kitchen
Девочка помогает маме убирать в доме. The girl helps her mother to clean the house.
Бабушка сейчас читает книгу. Granny is reading a book now
На математике мы решаем задачи. -We do sums on Maths
Русский язык-второй в пятницу. The second lesson on Friday is Russian

Помогите плесссс!
Раскройте скобки.
1)The book (to send) to us in a week
2)Two people (to arrest) last night
3)The rule (to explain) by the teacher now?
4)Flowers (to sell) in the streets every day.

1. Bread is eaten every day. 

2. The letter was received yesterday. 

3. Nick will be sent to Moscow next week. 

4. I was asked at the lesson yesterday. 

5. I was given a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

6. Not many houses are built in our town every year. 

7.This work will be done tomorrow. 

8. This text was translated at the last lesson. 

9. These trees were planted last autumn.

10. A lot of interesting games always are played at our PT lessons.

11. This bone will be given to my dog tomorrow. 

12. We were invited to a concert last Saturday. 

13. Lost time never is found  again. 

14. Rome wasn’t  built in a day. 

15. My question was answered two days ago. 

16.HOCKEY is played in winter. 

17. Mushrooms were gathered in autumn. 

18. Thousands of houses were  destroyed during the Great Fire of London. 

19. His new book will be finished next year. 

20. Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets. 

21. St Petersburg was founded in1703.

10 предложений с главными членами помогите сделать задание

На­сту­пи­ла весна. На­сту­пи­ла – ска­зу­е­мое, весна – под­ле­жа­щее. Ру­чей­ки по­бе­жа­ли. Ру­чей­ки – под­ле­жа­щее, по­бе­жа­ли – ска­зу­е­мое. За­пе­ли птицы. За­пе­ли – ска­зу­е­мое, птицы – под­ле­жа­щее. По­яви­лись тра­вин­ки. По­яви­лись – ска­зу­е­мое, тра­вин­ки – под­ле­жа­щее.

1.He went to the cinema yesterday (he went) 2. He has got an interesting book (he has got) 3. I am (твое имя). (I am) 4. I learn at school. (I learn) 5. I learn English language at school. (I learn) 6. I don’t like to do my homework. (I don’t like to do ) 7. I read many books. (I read) 8. I am (твой возраст) (I am) 9: I walk with my friends everyday 10. I have got a pet.